1451 Hawkins

1451 Hawkins is a refurbished farmhouse that was purchase in 2018. Our owners put their expertise for real estates and love for design and renovation into creating an exquisite farmhouse.

The land dates back to when late 1700s when the Hawkins family moved from Virginia to settle in North Carolina. This house has been on the property since 1890. It started as a 2 room cabin on the left side of the house. When the farmers had enough money in 1910, they added the right side of the home. This is why you will see the two front doors.

So many pieces of this home’s history was preserved during the renovation process so our customers can enjoy all of the history and charm.

Hawkins is a ‘bonafied farm’ under forestry management, our ‘livestock’ are our two tiny beehives.

Scroll down to see where we started to what we have turned into.

Pictures Throughout Our Renovation

Our Owners

1451 Hawkins is owned by Sue and Mike Montpetit. Sue followed her life long dream of finding the perfect site with perfect home to then focus her energies on everything that comes along with it.  Mike agreed! 

With Sue’s Dutch heritage family seed business, everything plants and dirt is an opportunity at 1451 Hawkins Road: vermiculture, ornithology, apiary, entomology and even pharmacology with medicinal plants.  Dovetailing this puts extra emphasis on healthy living without toxic chemicals in and around the property.

Mike’s background in real estate in the Raleigh area made this dream much easier to achieve for both owners.